Sunday, August 4, 2013

Letter from MY Mission President

I have been hearing from others that sometimes you get a letter from your Mission President before you leave and sometimes they don't send one at all. I have been waiting but not holding my breath as it's a new mission, so I am sure they are VERY busy. However I checked my email today and guess what I got over two weeks ago. Yes, that's right a letter from President Jorge Dennis! 

It has been such a blessing to be able to write emails to his wife, Sister Dennis, and ask questions about the mission, so this just made my day! Here are some pieces of the letter I received.

Dear Sister Weller ,

Welcome to the Ecuador Guayaquil West Mission, the greatest mission on earth! We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve with you in this part of the Lord’s vineyard. The people of Ecuador are a beloved people of our Father in Heaven. They have believing hearts and are open to being taught the Lord’s gospel. ...besides the great work of finding, teaching, and baptizing our Father’s children, we have the great opportunity to work alongside Him in finding and rescuing His lost sheep...

...We look forward to getting to know you in the near future, but even though we don’t know you personally, we already feel a great love for you and can feel the Lord’s love for you. This is a wonderful time to serve. You are being called to a new mission and so you will be among the first missionaries to serve in the Guayaquil West Mission. We know you will be a blessing to those you come in contact with and that the rest of your life will be blessed as you put your whole heart into the Lord’s work during the precious time you are called to serve...

As you are preparing your suitcases and all that needs to be done before you leave, please don’t forget that the greatest preparation is your spiritual preparation. Please take some time each day to pray and study the Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel. You will be blessed with increased guidance and inspiration as you do so, and you will be ready to hit the ground running when you arrive....

...We love you and look forward to serving with you in the greatest mission on earth!!


Pres. Jorge Dennis

Sis. Anette Dennis

Ecuador Guayaquil West Mission

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