Monday, December 1, 2014

#He Is the Gift


On Monday night this week my companion and I started a new tradition. We started having our own little Family Home Evenings as companions. This week we talked about being grateful and then drew and colored turkeys and each day we colored one of the 7 feathers and wrote what we were thankful for. My companion is so sweet, she made a Turkey that said, "Why I am grateful for Sister Weller" and then she gave it to me on Thanksgiving. We are going to have Family Home Evening each Monday night this transfer before we go to bed. I am super excited.

On Wednesday we went looking for a less active member, and she wasn't home so we started knocking on the doors and talking to people who lived in her apartment. As we did that we ended up talking to this woman named Irene, she opened the door and asked us to come right in. We shared with her how we have a message that was about Christ and that we wanted to share it with her. As we talked with her and shared with her about how families are a gift from God, she shared that she had been praying before we knocked on her door to get an answer from God on how she could make her life better. When she stopped praying we were knocking on her door. She said she normally doesn't open the door for anyone but she felt like she needed too. We had such a spiritual lesson with her and we are going back to see her this week. We are super excited to share the only thing that will help her in her life, which is the Gospel of Jesus Chirst!

On Thursday, my companion and I ate with a family from the Bishopric and we ate a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. We actually didn't eat that much because we couldn't go into a food comma. :) We still had people to go and see after we ate dinner. At each house we went to, they just keep giving us more and more food. So our fridge is full right now. I love it! A quick miracle about food is every night when we come home two of our neighbors Paul and Clyde, always stop and say hi to us. Well Paul and his wife, waited for us to get home on Thursday and they had made us Thanksgiving Dinner too and they said they knew if they waited until 9:10 pm at the latest that they would be able to give it to us. So they did. They are the sweetest family ever. We are still praying that one day they will let us come over and share more with them.

On Friday,when the rest of the WORLD was shopping for everything new and trying to get the best deals on things, we were all in a Special Conference that was centered on Christ. The church brought out a program called "He is the Gift"....I hope you have heard about it and seen it already. ( Go and watch the video now. :)

"Can a gift given 2,000 years ago still matter today? The answer is a heartfelt yes. As we eternalize the teaching of Jesus Christ and follow His perfect example, we can become more like Him and expereince lasting peach and joy - this Christmas season and always." 

I invite you all to go and check out the site and explore. #Share the Gift this season.

That is what we have been doing since Friday and we have been so blessed. The Lord has prepared the hearts of those we talk too. One of our biggest miracles happened on Saturday. We were going to see a potential investigator and we stopped to talk to this young man who was getting out of his car. We told him that we wanted to talk with him about CHRISTMAS. He said that he spends Christmas with his family. When we told him that we wanted to share a message with him about how Christ was born to give our families peace and joy and unity, he asked us where our church was. He said that he wanted to come so we shared the video with him. He then said that he wanted to share it with his girlfriend too. When we asked him if we could pray with him before we went to our appointment he said YES. He asked us to pray that he would be able to distance himself away from his bad friends and invite Christ more into his life. He was so thankful that we stopped to talk to him. We got his information and we are going to see him Wednesday. He also happens to be the friend of another potential who we have been looking for. 

I am so grateful that I get to be a missionary this Holiday Season!

Love, Hermana Weller

P.S. Thanks for praying for our safety. On Tuesday night we accidentally went to sleep with our oven on, good thing the house didn't get burnt down. The Lord will continue to watch over us!!!

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