Friday, May 10, 2013

Social Media brings future Sister Missionaries together!

Since I have been called to Ecuador I have been searching online for anything I can learn about the area I am going too! I know it will be really hot there but I want to know things like:
  • Is there every a need for a cardigan when you are living at the Equator?
  • Will flats do or do I need boots?
  • Are tights really needed?
  • What are the best fabrics to stay cool in the hot heat?
  • What can I do to prevent being bitten by mosquito's?
These are very important questions that I have! :) I am the first person in my family to go on a mission so I am learning everything for myself and relying a lot on return missionaries and family friends to find out what I can take, what is realistic, what to expect ect. The place that has helped me the most so far are friends online! 

I have been reading a lot of BLOGS and joined Facebook Groups in the past few weeks. I have been able to read other sister missionaries struggles, inspirational stories, and uplifting thoughts as future sister missionaries wait to report to the MTC!

I stumbled upon a few blogs that I would love to share. 

  • Facebook Group - Many are called...few are sister missionaries - This is the best site I have found so far. You can also get a lot of tips on any questions you have and find others sisters going to the MTC the same day as you or that have been called to the same mission! I have already found three others sister missionaries who are reporting to the Peru MTC the same day I do.
  • Blogs:
Hope this helps!

Hermana Weller

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